The DAVID Delight Pro is an innovative device that combines audio-visual entrainment (AVE) and cranial-electro stimulation (CES) for maximum effectiveness and simplicity. With extensively tested AVE sessions, whose design is based on the latest research findings, the Delight Pro provides a wide range of benefits, including:
The Delight Pro also features Mind Alive's proprietary randomisation process, which encourages dissociation and brain frequency tracking for even better results. Plus, with its easy-to-use pre-programmed sessions and cutting-edge design, the Delight Pro is the perfect solution for anyone seeking improved mental health and well-being.
The Delight Pro features a total of 25 sessions (five sessions in each of the following categories):
The DAVID Delight PRO model offers Cranio-Electrotherapy Stimulation (CES) technology. This can be used in conjunction with any of the AVE sessions to
enhance their effectiveness. Alternatively, it can be used
independently (without AVE) to help manage anxiety, low mood, and pain. CES technology allows for more flexibility in tailoring your treatment to
suit your individual needs.
What is CES?
Cranio-Electro Stimulation (CES) is a non-invasive treatment that involves applying a small, pulsed electric current to the earlobes through tiny clips. This process is completely painless, and if felt at all, it is as a gentle tingle. This small stimulus safely promotes the production of endorphins, serotonin and noradrenaline neurotransmitters, which can help manage anxiety, low mood, and pain.
Video Guide: Here is a short video, from the Mind Alive team, explaining briefly what CES is:
Research studies have consistently shown that Cranio-Electro Stimulation (CES) is an effective method for reducing anxiety and improving cognition. In addition, CES has been found to be helpful in reducing situational anxiety, such as exam stress or job-related pressure.
Many people who use CES in combination with Audio-Visual Entrainment (AVE) report experiencing deeper relaxation for longer periods of time. CES also promotes the production of neurotransmitters, which are important for cognitive processing, memory, and physical well-being.
Choosing your eyeset
You can choose between two Eyeset options when purchasing a Mind Alive kit: the standard White Tru-Vu Omniscreen Eyeset, or the Multi-Colour Eyeset upgrade.
The Multi-Colour Eyeset includes six colours - blue, cyan, green, yellow, red, and magenta - in addition to the standard white. You can even select separate colors for each visual field and choose a random color selection. Each color has its own unique benefits, such as calming and relaxation for blue, pain reduction and meditation for green, improved focus for yellow, and increased physical arousal and energy for red. Magenta is best for enhancing creativity during contemplative meditation. We also highly recommend using deep blue and green when running sleep sessions.
What comes with the DAVID Delight Pro?