Mind Alive's Tru-Vu OmniscreenTM Eyesets provide the ultimate light and sound experience that's both effective and safe.
Unlike other eyesets, Mind Alive's patented design allows for individual stimulation of the left and right visual fields of each eye, taking your audio-visual stimulation to a whole new dimension. With eight white, wide-angle LEDs mounted over a silver reflector behind a translucent screen, the light is evenly dispersed while protecting the LEDs, and with over 100,000 hours of use, they're extremely efficient and long-lasting.
The eye set's maximum intensity of 800 lux is spread over two square inches per eye, providing well-distributed illumination throughout your visual field, allowing you to move your eyes in any direction without compromising the smoothness of the light. Plus, its coverage far exceeds any other eyeset on the market, with an independent review rating this eye set 100% in light dispersion compared to the next highest rating AVE eyeset of only 46.7%.
MInd Alive's OmniscreenTM Eyesets are not only comfortable to wear, but they're also built to last with a sturdy, high-quality sunglasses skeleton and a detachable cord to reduce the risk of damage.
Experience the difference with Mind Alive's Tru-Vu OmniscreenTM Eyesets - the ultimate light and sound experience.